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Meredith's Bridals

Waco, TX

12 10 2014Bridals
She always knew there was something special about the boy she met her very first week at Baylor. What she couldn't have known back then, was on a beautiful day in October, the two would join hands, look deep into one another's eyes, and promise each other forever. Calm...  FULL POST

Emily's Bridals

Austin, TX

8 25 2014Bridals
How great is the pursuit of a groom for his bride. She, in capturing his heart, glows with the kind of light that seems it will never wane. Emily is a bride who was deeply pursued by her groom. Their engagement story is the perfect example, as Tony sent Emily on a scavenger...  FULL POST

Bethany's Bridals

Austin, TX

8 19 2014Bridals
In the high heat of summer, wrapped delicately in white, she came as an oasis in the desert. Just as the end of a long summer welcomes the anticipation of a new season, so this one brought a feeling of the coming of new life. A garden that flourishes amidst the wilderness. A...  FULL POST
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